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To achieve this badge you need to learn new concepts in the sustainability workshops. 

Per ottenere questo distintivo occorre imparare nuovi concetti nei laboratori sulla sostenibilità. 

Para obter este emblema, é necessário aprender novos conceitos nos workshops de sustentabilidade. 

Para conseguir esta insignia necesitas aprender nuevos conceptos en los talleres de sostenibilidad   

1 Step

  • Click a button with the identifier 5 1 time

Advocacy action

To achieve this badge you need to identify and contact stakeholders that could help you to be aware the importance of citizens to protect the river. 

Per ottenere questo distintivo occorre identificare e contattare degli stakeholder che possano aiutarti a comprendere l’importanza dell’attività del singolo nella protezione del fiume.

Para obter este emblema, é necessário identificar e contactar stakeholders que possam ajudá-lo a tomar consciência da importância dos cidadãos na proteção do rio. 

Para conseguir esta insignia necesitas identificar y ponerse en contacto con los grupos de interés que podrían ayudarte a tomar conciencia de la importancia de que los ciudadanos protejan el río 

1 Step

  • Click a button with the identifier 7 1 time
Jo triggered Click a button with a specific identifier (x0)
Jo completed the Click a button with the identifier 5 1 time
Jo unlocked the Learner Learner
Jo triggered Unlocked a Learner (x0)
Jo triggered Click a button with a specific identifier (x1)
Jo triggered Click a button with a specific identifier (x2)
Jo triggered Click a button with a specific identifier (x3)
Jo triggered Click a button with a specific identifier (x4)
Jo triggered Click a button with a specific identifier (x5)
Jo triggered Click a button with a specific identifier (x0)
Thumbnail Description Date Points
Click a button with the identifier 7 1 time
Learner Step: Click a button with the identifier 7 1 time
July 1, 2024  
Advocacy action
July 1, 2024  
July 1, 2024  
Click a button with the identifier 5 1 time
Learner Step: Click a button with the identifier 5 1 time
July 1, 2024  
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