EcoMuseo Mare Memoria Viva

Local: Via Messina Marine 14 90123 Palermo

Tel.:  +39 371 411 8612




Ecomuseo Mare Memoria Viva is a community-driven cultural space in Palermo, Italy. It hosts a diverse range of narratives and multimedia exhibits, showcasing the city’s history, culture, and connections to the sea. The museum actively involves the community through activities, workshops, and events that promote cultural engagement and local development. Key Initiatives: Community Mapping to collect and share community stories and memories; Urban Regeneration by supporting the revitalization of abandoned urban areas reimagining spaces; Non-Formal Education by offering educational and creative programs for all age groups and more.

Call to action

Step into the living history of Palermo at Ecomuseo Mare Memoria Viva! Our community-driven cultural space invites you to explore the city’s vibrant narratives and connections to the sea through captivating multimedia exhibits. But we’re more than a museum; we’re a hub of cultural engagement and local development. Come, participate, and contribute to the living memory of Palermo. Your story is a part of our exhibit – let’s create history together!

River & Spots


Oreto River