A Successful Testing Phase at Serra Guarneri, Italy

Jun 25, 2024

On 14 June, our Italian partner, CEIPES, held a Living Rivers project testing phase in a beautiful location for environmental education activities: Serra Guarneri, on a mountain overlooking Cefalù. In this setting the project met a group of educators from a local cooperative, who carries out environmental education activities with adult, children and young people on a daily basis. 

The day was dedicated to explaining and testing different components of the project with the educators: the APP (IO1), the board game (IO2), an escape room (IO2) and the presentation of the Living Rivers community platform (IO3). Two groups of educators split up to test the board game, taking on the roles of different characters in the game with the aim of keeping the river healthy, earning points and reaching the end of the course. 

The educators also tested an escape room where they had to find out who was responsible for the disappearance of a local river, eventually realising that the key lay elsewhere. The event was a great opportunity to test the materials, get feedback and advice from educators working in the field, and have fun in a beautiful setting. 

The enthusiasm and commitment shown throughout the day is testament to the success of the initiative and its ability to promote environmental awareness!