Moinhos de Jancido

Local: R. das Águas, Foz do Sousa

Tel.:  919101899




The mills of Jancido are a place, a heritage and a citizen’s movement for the recovery of old water mills and their entire natural surroundings. An informal group of citizens has been voluntarily restoring the mill buildings, rehabilitating old paths that can now be used for hiking and promoting the regeneration of the local fauna and flora, and maintaining the area.

Call to action

At the end of 2016, the mills of Jancido were already in ruins, until a group of friends called “Moinhos de Jancido” set to work to preserve them. Since then and we have already carried out volunteer actions open to the population. Around 60 volunteers have already taken part in these actions. A lot of work has already been done, it is a place visited mainly by residents of metropolitan Porto, but also by citizens of Castelo de Paiva, Famalicão, Cinfães, Caldas da Rainha, Vila da Feira, among other places. This volunteer group has already received a number of references for good environmental practices (Serras do Porto, CRE, Projeto Futuro 100.000 Arvores), for its work on restoring the mills, preserving the surrounding forests, planting native trees and shrubs, as well as preserving animal life such as Lusitanian salamanders, yellow-spotted salamanders, newts and the Iberian frog.

River & Spots




Moinhos de Jancido