

The River Sousa is a Portuguese river, about 65 kilometres long. It rises in the north of the country, in Friande, in the municipality of Felgueiras, and flows into the River Douro, in the parish of Foz do Sousa in Gondomar. Its main tributaries are the Cavalum River on the left bank and the Mesio and Ferreira Rivers on the right. From the point of view of its natural heritage, the Sousa river basin is home to more than 550 species of fauna and flora, including around four dozen species endemic to the Iberian Peninsula and/or protected species, which depend on the health and ecological integrity of the river. In Aguiar de Sousa, in the municipality of Paredes, it forms the Salto do Sousa, an 80 metre high waterfall.

Stakeholders & Spots


Aprisof - Associação de protecção dos rios sousa e ferreira


Municipality of Gondomar


Municipality of Gondomar


Moinhos de Jancido