Nestled in the heart of Sicily, the Oreto River is an extraordinary natural resource, meandering for some 23 kilometres. Its journey takes it through several municipalities, including Palermo, Altofonte, and Monreale. The Oreto River has been designated as a Site of Community Importance (SCI) under Legislation No. 43/1992 indicating the river’s central role as an ecological corridor within the urban environment. The Oreto river, often associated with urban decay near the Sant’Erasmo neighbour, holds unexpected surprises. In its sources near Palermo, between the woods of Altofonte and Monreale, flows an uncontaminated and healthy river that is even home to rare aquatic species.The Oreto River has been experiencing environmental challenges since the 1960s due to social and economic factors. However, there has been a recent resurgence of hope, with various stakeholders joining forces since 2018 to protect and develop this unique ecosystem. Their main objective is to raise awareness among the local population about the river’s natural heritage and the opportunities associated with its conservation. This collective effort aims to engage municipalities and decision-makers in revitalizing the river. It is a journey of renewal and rediscovery, showcasing how the river has persevered over the years and is now on the brink of a promising transformation.